Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital specialty clinics, in collaboration with Missouri Baptist Medical Center, now offer the RP-Lite Remote Presence. Commonly known as a telehealth system, this computer device enables remote physicians to perform comprehensive real-time evaluations of their patients.
With the physician in a remote location, the nurse places the telehealth device near the patient. The physician, whose face and identity appear on a monitor, communicates directly with the patient. The doctor controls the camera on the monitor to perform the exam. The nurse places a stethoscope on the patient for the physician to hear and assess heart and breathing sounds. Other assessments are directed and monitored by the remote physician and are logged in the patients electronic medical record.
This equipment allows physicians to see more patients. It also offers a range of opportunities for remote health care providers in other Hospital departments. Examination and consultation will now be an option for specialty providers at times when they would otherwise not be available. “We are excited with the possibilities this gives our patients seeking specialty care,” says Lynn Frey, manager, specialty clinics.
For more information, call 573-468-4186, 866-468-4186 or schedule an appointment online.