The Sullivan Hospital Auxiliary, or more commonly known as the “Pink Ladies” organized three days after the hospital opened. A meeting took place March 29, 1962 to solicit the help of community members to volunteer service at the new hospital. By the end of March, there were 96 members that paid their $2.00 annual dues. The first elected president was Vesta Schuler. Their purpose was to make the patient’s stay in the hospital as pleasant as possible.
Since 1962 the Auxiliary has purchased over $263,164.00 in hospital equipment. They contributed to the purchase of an ambulance in 1972 and a maintenance truck in 1998 as well as purchasing a treadmill for Rehab, numerous wheel chairs and other medical equipment.
Over just the last 24 years, the Auxiliary has given over $26,456.00 toward patient and staff gifts. They have supplied patient handbooks, “The First Baby of the Year” gifts as well as other baby gifts, Doctor and nurse Day gifts, fruit baskets for patients at Christmas, poinsettias for the hospital departments and gifts for the Children’s Easter Egg Hunt.
The Auxiliary has helped numerous students pursuing medical careers through scholar-ships. To date, they have awarded over $167,956.00 in scholarships. The first nursing scholarship was awarded to Carmen Arechederra of Bourbon on September 11, 1963. If you are a High School Student and are going to pursue a medical career, fill out and return our Scholarship Application.
Current assistance in the Community has been through financial support to Relay for Life and Meramec Community Mission Food and Toy Drives. Just since 1999, the Auxiliary’s contributions to these programs have exceeded $12,751.00.
MBSH Auxiliary Membership Appl.pdf