Do you think you can complete a full marathon — 26.2 miles? It’s never too early to think about staying active while you’re out of school over the summer. The providers of Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital (MBSH) are challenging kids 18 and under to go the distance this summer.
You can do it at your own pace and with your own style — run, walk, bike or skate 26.2 miles over the course of the summer.
Don’t forget to take photos completing your marathon and post them on Facebook with the hashtag #2025 MBSHKidsOnTrack so we can celebrate your progress!
At the end of the summer, we’ll hold a celebration where you will complete the last 1 mile of your marathon to celebrate your accomplishments as a true Kid on Track!
We look forward to your family’s participation in Kids on Track this year!
Register Today
Monday, April 28, 2025
- Run the bases at Sullivan High School
- Kick off will occur between the Varsity and JV baseball games (approx. 5:30).
- Look for our table at the game.
1073 East Vine Street
Sullivan, MO 63080
Friday, August 22, 2025
- 5:30 pm
- Last 1 mile
- Finale event as a part of Meet the Eagles at Sullivan High School
1073 East Vine Street
Sullivan, MO 63080
1073 East Vine St. Sullivan, Mo 63080